
While it’s one of the procedures many patients fear, tooth extraction is a fast, safe procedure.

Do You Need Your Tooth Pulled?

While it’s one of the procedures many patients fear, tooth extraction is a fast, safe procedure. Extraction is necessary if your tooth is badly damaged by an injury, from decay or from advanced gum disease. It can also be needed if it’s impacted under the surface or if it’s crowding your other teeth. At Highland Hills Dental in Kitchener, we only choose extraction when your tooth is beyond saving. If we think we can preserve your tooth with a root canal and crown, then we will. Wisdom teeth are one of the most common kinds of teeth to get extracted because they can come up at an awkward angle and damage the teeth around them or become impacted, causing you pain. If our initial examination reveals that the extraction will be particularly demanding or complicated, Highland Hills Dental will refer you to a specialist.

Will Extraction be Painful?

While most patients feel some minor pressure during the extraction process, the anesthetic we administer will ensure you feel little to no actual pain during the procedure. There will be some pain once the anesthetic wears off after the procedure, but we’ll give you pain medication to use as your mouth heals. We’ll also give you instructions to follow to promote the fastest healing and keep the area from getting infected.

What are Alternatives to Extraction?

After extraction, we highly suggest replacing the missing teeth with a bridge, partial denture or implant to prevent that area of your gum and bone from deteriorating.

Kitchener Office  Highland Hills Dental

875 Highland Rd. West. #43. Kitchener, ON. N2N 2Y2

 (519) 578-9826

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